Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I, as you all know have never actually journaled on this, but I thought I might give it a try. For the last couple of days I have been thinking alot about my friends. I actually had an old friend from growing up (we grew up in the same ward) call and we were talking about friends and she was saying that she didnt really have any great friends anymore. This and some other things that have happened this past week have encouraged me to reflect a little. I am soooooo lucky to have the great friends I do, I dont know if I am someone that really needs great women around me, but I have been so blessed where this is concerned. So this goes out to all you women who have been there for me in various times of need, I couldnt have done it without you, my sisters. Peace out!!!!!!


Kelly said...

Does that include jerk friends like me?!
Love ya- and you do so much for other friends, you aren't the lucky one, you know. We are blessed to have you.

cassanthemum said...

I always felt I was to good to hang around you.
Really, I feel the same. we will see how you feel after this weekend :)

The Hansen Family said...

As much as we'd like to think we are "all growed up" and independent, there are still those few choice friends that we couldn't possibly live without. It's always a risky venture allowing yourself to need someone else but the benefits outweigh the risks, right?

Es Wells said...

I feel that way too. Every woman needs good girlfriends.

Rach said...

You know I am one that needs to be surrounded, and I thank you for being in that circle. Hope you enjoyed your birthday and felt the love.

Tina said...

I sure hope I'm included in the friends department. I know I don't stay in contact like I should, kinda like I should eat better, exercise, lose weight, but heck, it's the thought that counts!

Liza said...

Always have respected you Lish. You have always been determined and honest. lol. was looking at some old DC trip and girls camp pictures of you and Carol just the other day...lots of memories there. just thought I would say hello.